Friday, August 7, 2009

American Standard Americast Blog

Magazine "The town of Loreto" N. 2 / 2009

article "Paolo Puppa in Loreto: Beyond Words", published in the periodical "The town of Loreto" in the second quarter of 2009, there were some appointed employees Municipality who worked hard behind the scenes to make the event. I would therefore like to thank all the municipal employees and, especially, Alessandro Finucci Public Library, Luis Schiavoni Culture Office, Ross and Rachel Tomassetti Ascani Technical Office of the Press. It was not possible to include in publication for lack of space, the list of participants of the workshop of Paolo Puppa nor the comments made by some of them.
List of Participants:
1. Angelo Milaneschi, Prato (Tuscany)
2. Benedetta Badella, Loreto
3. Chiara Piazza, Vicenza
4. Find us Ilaria, Falconara
5. Ilaria Torresi, Potenza Picena
6. Loredana Chielli, Ancona
7. Luke Mundo, Venice
8. Margherita Reali, Porto Recanati
9. Braga Nicoletta, Milan
10. Raffaela Sinescalchi,
11. Raide Roger, Loreto
12. Roberta Marchesini, Tolentino
13. Silvia Bertini, Recanati
14. Simona Tonti, Senigallia
15. Verdi Magi, Loreto
16. Vincent Maio, Sirolo

The experience of those three days working with some of the participants commented Puppa:
"The workshop was an important moment of confrontation with the work of other participants and with Professor Paolo Puppa. I also noticed how the public present in the room at the time the exhibition has appreciated our work. issues a call for such events are no longer present in Loreto! Benedetta Pan, Loreto.

A stage, a few tools to play with art and wisdom of an exceptional master.
It was a life experience in life, madness, being intimately human.
is magic in the world PUPpARTe that gets you out of the conventions more foolish, from tax forms to live outside of yourself and what at that precise moment you choose to be.
Roberta Marchesini, Tolentino

positive, and I say this without rhetoric there 'was meeting with Ayres, and Andrew (but you know that I was even provided two headlights and two stands for a show I did yesterday Jesi!), and the boys and girls who participated in short, to breathe for three days the magic and the great potential 'that theater.
Vincent Di Maio, Sirolo

Surprising was the organization and staging of this performance took place in a few days. The thing that impressed me in mind is the teaching of Ivana Padoan "action-report-processing" because I believe that is a definition based on not only the theater but also of life. Raide Roger, Loreto

Stanislavsky said that "the imagination of the actor has the characteristic of attracting to himself the life of others," this concept I've never been very clear until I got to experience it, to try it first hand, thanks to the workshop held by prof. Puppa where I got to know and to meet guys that maybe I was attracted to them because basically we have the same ambitions, the same dreams. Verdi Magi, Loreto

Puppa has been a great conductor because he got what he wanted without imposing it and without explaining how to do it, he "simply" expected to be realized that a route in his head that was already pre-visa. A few weeks from the performance of Loreto with-I share the view of Ayres Marques Pinto: We were pup (p) Azzati by Puppa, but, as you know who builds puppets, they have a lot of their creators and at the same time have their own animus. Angelo Milaneschi, Lawn

Professor Paolo Puppa has followed with great enthusiasm and passion in all of us managed to pull off something. My impression was of being part of an orchestra, Professor Paolo Puppa, with the help of Ayres and Andrew was the director of the orchestra and was able to put together a beautiful concert of expression and emotion. Thanks! Good work! Ilaria Torresi, Potenza Picena

When you forward "beyond words" in the true literal sense of a number of things can happen overwhelming.
It 's the case of laboratory performance achieved in Loreto and masterfully conducted by Paolo Puppa on a text which he himself wrote that "Letters Impossible"
The magic is done in a short time to the sound of bells, music, voices, bodies stir trying to make dialogue impossible to become possible in the sharing of fisica.corporea laboratory.
dialogues taken from the text impossible Puppa are our own stories, but the amazing thing is that over the performance has changed something inside each one.
Braga Nicoletta, Milan

are the defeatist group. Yes, I admit I Puppa has stirred something in your stomach that is hard to describe. I was physically on that stage but stunned and dazed by the whirlwind magnetic and hostile only thought that my brain was able to produce at that moment was certainly not escape from you, gentlemen brave but something about me very dark on that Friday afternoon that was revealed for the first time. Find us Ilaria, Falconara

I must say that this workshop made me much I still have to recover riflettere.Forse of tutto.Loredana Chielli, Ancona

Finally, we hear the words of a privileged witness, Dr. Anna Bottaccio: "A great experience! To be repeated!

Ayres Marques Pinto


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